
Yahoo Claims Facebook Bought Patents to Countersue It - owensthatimed

Facebook purchased in the parting five months eight of ten patents it has cited in a counterclaim to a patent infringement lawsuit filed by Yahoo, and several were purchased aft Yahoo filed the suit, the Internet portal vein claimed in a filing [PDF] on Friday before a federal court.

Yahoo has besides alleged that Facebook has infringed 2 more than of its patents in addition to the ten patents it sued for most recently month.

Facebook denied earlier this month Yahoo's claims that it had infringed the 10 patents, and filed a counterclaim that Yahoo had infringed ten Facebook patents.

"On information and notion, many, if non complete, of these patents were acquired by Facebook for purposes of retaliation against Yahoo! in this case," Yahoo said in the filing on Friday.

Contrary to an agreement that is same to subsist between the in-house counsels for the deuce companies to raise intellectual property issues with each other in the first instance, Facebook did not provide a notice to Yahoo of any alleged misdemeanor, and did non attempt to resolve the alleged infringement of some of its patents by Yahoo before asserting them in judicial proceeding, Hayseed said.

The eighter patents were acquired by Facebook from patent firms IPG Electronics 503 and Right Point, patent holding society Cheah Intellectual Property Licensing, and the NY University's intellectual prop licensing section, Yahoo said in the filing before the U.S. Territory Court for the Northern Zone of California, San Francisco division.

Facebook acquired 750 patents from IBM in March, and more newly agreed to buy a portion of the patents Microsoft is to acquire from AOL in an over US$1 billion make out.

Combat of Patent Assets

The move by Facebook reflects growing interest from technology companies to acquire evident portfolios both to counter and initiate patent litigation. Ailing companies are also looking patent sales as a way to raise John Cash. Break Nortel Networks raised $4.5 billion done the sales agreement of patents and patent applications to a consortium consisting of Malus pumila, EMC, Ericsson, Microsoft, Research In Motion, and Sony. Eastman Kodak has too said that it is considering the sale of its extremity imagery patent portfolios as incomparable of its strategic alternatives to seed out of bankruptcy protection.

In its reply and counterclaim on Friday to Facebook's reply, Yahoo has denied infringing the ten patents, and claimed Facebook purchased and asserted patents tainted by inequitable conduct, including allegedly the intended failure to refer a known discoverer, and adding new information to a patent.

Facebook is also said to experience asserted its newly acquired patents against aspects of Yahoo's products for which there is little to no in public available information. "Unless Facebook has unlawfully nonheritable Rube! confidential business entropy, Facebook could not have developed a good-faith basis for many of the infringement allegations in its counterclaims," Chawbacon said.

"We remain perplexed by Yahoo's changeable actions. We discord with these latest claims and we will remain to defend ourselves vigorously," a Facebook spokesperson said via e-postal service on Monday.

Yahoo has likewise alleged that Facebook has infringed cardinal other patents. The firstly unobstructed called: "Organisation and method to determine the validity of and interaction on a network," bearing U.S. Patent No more. 7,933,903, was issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Post to Yahoo in April, 2011, while the other U.S. Patent No. 7,698,315, titled "Organisation and method allowing advertisers to manage lookup listings in a pay out for placement search system victimisation grouping," was issued away the USPTO on April 13, 2010.

John Ribeiro covers outsourcing and general technology breaking news from India for The IDG Tidings Serving. Follow King John on Chitter at @Johnribeiro. Whoremonger's e-mail address is


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